Henry Lee McFee, (1886-1953)
“Still Life with Silver and Lemons”
oil on canvas, 16” x 20”, signed lower right

Artist Biography

Henry Lee McFee (1886-1953)

Born/lived: St. Louis, MO; Woodstock, NY; Savannah, GA; Claremont, CA; Altadena, CA.

Known: as a pioneering American artist, who was inspired by Paul Cezanne (his composition and use of color) and Cubism.

Studied: School of Fine Arts, St. Louis, MO; Stevenson Art School, Pittsburgh; Arts Students League, Woodstock, NY under Birge Harrison.

Member: National Art Institute of L; American Society of Painters, Sculptors & Gravers; Woodstock Art Association; New Society of Artists.

Exhibited: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; National Academy of Design; The Society of Independent Artist; Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, GA; McDowell Club; PPE; Rehn Gallery, NY; Paris Salon; Virginia Museum of Fine Art; Carnegie Institute; Corcoran Gallery; Art Institute of Chicago; Whitney Museum of American Art; Los Angeles County Fair; Pepsi-Cola.

Award: Guggenheim Fellowship

Taught: Chouinard Art Insitute, Scripps College, Claremont College, CA.

Positions: Started an art school in Savannah in 1939; Director, Witte Museum School of Art.

Work: Metropolitan Museum of Art; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts; Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, SC; CAM; CM; CMA; CGA; Dayton Art Institute; Springfield Museum of Art; Columbus Gallery of Fine Art; Kansas City Art Institute; Brooklyn Museum; Whitney Museum of American Art; Los Angeles County Fair College; PMG; Albright Art Gallery; Detroit Art Institute; Ann Arbor Art Association; Woodstock Art Association; Philips Memorial Gallery, Washington, DC.

Painting Features

Artist First Name Henry Lee
Artist Last Name McFee
Artist's Dates (1886-1953)
Materials oil on canvas
Markings signed lower right
Size 16” x 20”
Price contact gallery
Comments This painting is in excellent condition in a fine carved gold frame also in excellent condition.